Saturday, December 31, 2005
11:49 AM
m0rnin 7plus.receive a called
but iish wiithheld.means no no.wanted to pick upp but it hang upp le.
wake upp at 9am.wonderin wong nber wake upp so early so i wen to slp again ferr half hour.930am called her hse.her mum sae she's not in and sae she's slpin.dn0 wadd she tokin.
dEn hang upp called and wen to slp.time iish euiie mit upp oso euiie sae.everytin oso euiie sae but euiie nber do it.tiish iish called brk promise kiies.euiie mit a person iisnt it called brk promise.iif euiie wana sae miie tat yest i last min nber min oso count den pls tink bfer saein.i mean iif euiie wana take tat topic out and tok to least euiie re online and iish not least i still g0tt tell euiie and e time haben past yet.but tiish mornin was e time past e end den sae cant mit.ur dad bdae euiie dn0 mehhs.i mean yest euiie can tell miie tat todae iish ur dad bdae.
aniiwae,don bother le.
korkor *berii ke liian.*haiis.*xin hao tong worrhs.*I MISS EUIIE SHOO MUCHIIES.
kind of 3min stead.reali suffer.tiish few daes heard hiiM sae tat e gal nearly ard 4-5times.berii w0rii and sad.k0rk0r mus be strong.meii l0ve euiie.owaes SUPPORT.
suddenly miss ice sh0o muchhiies.but nber msg hiiM c0s dn0 wadd t0 msg.
s0riiwee z0mbiie t0dae cant mit euiie.haiis =(( tiish iish e sec0nd time.feel sad.wanted to mit euiie upp but still n0 time.i n0e euiie g0tt l0tts of time.euiie still own miie x'mas present.piggy.hahas.
another korkor dn reali bother bahhs.hehes =Pp.
he hab his own stead sh0o nber bother hiiM.or eben contact.but still will miss hiiM.n0tt muchhies..
wanted to chat wiit cyan but he's owaes awae.although msn was owaes online.
nber msg hiiM.c0s he seems t0 be busii..
thanks bread.nobody will sae dey re nice lookin.but owaes sae dey re ugly.but euiie n0tt bad wadd.hahas =)) berii funni person bahhs.still can lo.n0tt reali tat bad.iif bad lookin still hab 5ex mehhs.=X
jus n0w was dreamin.but e dream iish damn fcukin shit.laughter,sadness.wadeber oso inside.
aniiwae,gtg soon,goin bath le goin out.mus wear sch uniform.shit =x
goin reopen sch soon.I MISS EUIIE GUYS.especially,moii classmate.some of em onii.
i fergot e berii short guy name.he send miie his contact but i ferget his name.iif he n0e confirm sc0ld miie like hell.Friday, December 30, 2005
10:14 AM
siians arhhs..
feel sh0o damn tired!
wake upp,m0ii parents n0tt at h0me le.
nber gimmi m0ney siia.ltr c0ok lo.
n0tt goin out.n0 m0od.head keep spinnin like shit.
g0nna make moii hair ltr.siians.dn reali wana make it black back lo.
but no choice.haiis =((
tiish few daes damn siians arhhs.
yest,tok on e ph0ne wiit k0rk0r.
l0ve hiiM m0re and m0re den aniione.hahas =PP
muacks muacks muacks..yeahhs
haiis =(( but he feel sh0o sad and d0wn..but still enj0y chattin wiit hiiM.hab laughter t0o.n0tt reali damn d0wn till e end sae wana called miie back but nber.
but he jus msg miie and tell miie le.iish okiies.fine..will called hiiM back s0metimes.i called hiiM i feel sh0o weird and reali berii funni.c0s his v0ice reali l0ok like gal.but he's e onii pers0n which i owaes l0ve m0re den aniione.=x ltr ppl kill miie.ltr gt pr0 c0me out.
but i admit tat i reali in l0ve wiit hiiM.he reali sh0ws concern and care on miie.of c0s iish onii k0rk0r and meiimeii.owaes b dere ferr each other.w0nt be stead.c0s iish imp0ssibLe.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
7:21 PM
l0ve hiiM l0tts.muackks
hehes =)) i l0ve wan wan and baby l0tts.
of c0s i l0ve wan wan m0re den baby.
one iish boii and one iish gal.
btw,dey re n0tt human.dey re d0ggs.
yest,nyte wen out wiit daddy.wen t0 eat tgt wiit geroge korkor.
den wen to office do work.after tat wen to his hse ard 10plus le.
wan wan n baby berii guaii and ke aii.nber make noise.
baby seems to l0ve daddy l0tts.wan wan l0ve miie l0tts.hehes =))
hug hiiM l0tts.
wen t0 c0mpass p0int.
we spent l0tts of time dere.
bought new hP.hehes =PP
berii happi.bought k750i!n0tt bad.
but l0st l0tts of ppl c0ntact.but still get l0tts of ppl c0ntact tat i need.
but still haben receive ppl reply.
but i still n0tt unhappi tat i l0st s0 many pic.
yest,midnyte still use mummi ph0ne to check moii sim card.
z0mbiie act lo.c0s i l0st hiis c0ntact.den he act he's n0tt z0mbiie.
l0tts of craps and rubbish.but berii funni wen he act lo.hahas
oso receive cyan,ice and 2korkor contact no. oreadii.hehes
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
5:27 PM
iim back..
btw,th0se who see tiish msg.
wen malaysia ferr f0ur daes.
1st dae reach dere oreadii 2plus-3pM.
sh0p time square.but nber sh0p finish.
time square iish oso e biggest sh0ppin centre in kL.
n0tt i sae de.iish e travel ppl t0ld us abt it.
wen t0 eat and hotel ard 1plus.
2nd dae iish x'mas eve.24th!iish a unfergetable x'mas i eber had.
bc0s i hab l0st m0ii and oso means i l0st everyone of ur c0ntact no.
e whole afternoon was at kLcC.saw one mediacop guy.
bought l0tts of tings and spent damn l0tts of money.mummi finally bought her cl0thes.br0 n mum cl0thes damn diff t0 buy,sh0p so much nber buy.
nyte wen t0 bb plaza dere de street at 11plus.wen to buy tings and not eben 5mins i realise moi hP lost.cry no mood.and it sp0lit everytin.wanted to eat but in e end e wh0le nyte nber eat at all.
next dae iish 25th.x'mas dae.m0rnin mummi tok abt it and i cry again.haiis.s0bb =(( *xin hao tong hao tong*wen to swimmin.wah damn cooL like hell lo.iish damn cold den e air-con.swim 2h0urs den wen to play theme park fer onii 1h0ur plus.wen t0 kLcC again t0 buy tings.but n0tt muchiies.c0s 24x'mas oreadii sh0p finish wh0Le kLcC.
was habin fun awhile.but still owaes tink abt m0ii hP.wen t0 eat at nyte.was waitin m0ii fo0d to c0me and i saw a guy.was t0tal stunned and m0ii brain was blank out of tings
kind of *ai shang ta*.hahas.after eat finish i saw hiiM again.he wen to a sh0p which sell p0rk.he t0ok e bag of e p0rk and wen off wen i reach e sh0p.dn0 wherr he wen.
tiish iish e 1st i wen malaysia so late.jus to celebrate x'mas but it sp0ilt everytin.haiis.
saw al0t of bung.tink gt 20plus.
1st i saw a bung.2nd saw a active.3rd saw a bung at converse sh0p.4th saw a active.tink 4of em doin cashier bahhs.den at nyte saw alots of bung in e street.
i onii rem 1bung n 1active.hahas
last dae means yest.mornin wen to e street dere bought bubble gams.famous amos sell bubble gams.lo0k like sweet iif euiie dn0 its iish bubble gams.
jus n0w wen to sengkang to take back moii sim card.but dnhab hP.haiis.
see all e hP and e hP i wan iish sho ex lo.
siians.dn0 wadd t0 do.
wu gui,wadd happen to euiie?d0tts.ya nber reply.
hey,i lost ur contact.dn mind gimmi kiies.
miss ya lotts.
miss 2k0rk0r,cyan,ice and zombie.
dno wadd happen to korkor.weird.cyan so busii siia.
still haben find wherr's ice.oso nber online.
berii app.nber eat muchhies too.siians..Thursday, December 22, 2005
4:17 PM
iim here to welcm euiie
but iif euiie re gibin comments which euiie dno aniitin den shut ur mouth
ray,wadd euiie wan
wadd e fcuk euiie not happi lo.
wadd euiie treat miie was nth.euiie mayb tinkin y i don love euiie and still wana stay euiie.y am i makin euiie and ur life so damn miserable.y euiie do shoo muchhies tings iim not touch at all and nber tink of gibin euiie a chance.include callin miie dardar oso cant.
btw,ya don sae miie c0s euiie re n0tt as betta too..euiie g0tt yanjing.isnt so obvious too..
she sae till she shoo damn fcukin miss euiie.den y nott tink abt herr?
euiie tink i wana quarrel wiit euiie.mayb wadd i sae euiie may not blieve.but i jus wana sae wad i hab to sae.
zombie iish a berii good frwen of mine.iish dere anii pr0?find tat euiie everytime bc0s of i miss and sae someting sweet to a pers0n means i l0ve e pers0n.owaes t0t iish a bung and everytime sh0o unreas0nable.since,iish lidat den c0ntinue lidat lo.ur YANJING will be damn good to euiie and be dere ferr euiie.cant euiie see she sh0o damn l0ve euiie.
everytime push miie to someone else.sh0o wadd am i to euiie?nth but a piece of shit larhhs h0rrs.isnt it obvious?c0s euiie tink tat i dn eben l0ve euiie and faster push miie to someone else and euiie cant find other ppl.
btw,i nber sae euiie cant leave by m0iiside.i stay euiie c0s i l0ve euiie as a berii g0od e end e hurt i get frm euiie iish deep to0.wiit ur unreas0nable saein int0 miie,euiie win.
i l0ve euiie as a frwen c0s euiie treat miie damn g0od.reali berii damn fcukin g0od.iim berii t0uch.mayb euiie dn feel it and d0nn eber tink i will be t0uch.but iim statin e fact.
iim t0uch ferr euiie hab d0ne but i dislike ur unreas0nable and e wae euiie sae and d0in.
btw,n0tt e first time and like t0 wild guess and make l0tts of pr0 out to quarrel.who's e one who wana quarrel lo?i nber eben wana quarrel wiit euiie but euiie re e one which wana make tings out and quarrel kiies.
since,euiie sae euiie dnwan contact miie den fine.iim in malaysia oso d0nn need contact euiie.
wanted to celebrate moii bdae wiit euiie but i tink now dn need aniim0re.t0 euiie mayb fine t0o as euiie will tink iish g0od to do tat and i can go celebrate wiit other frwen or bung.ur mind owaes tink of bung and tink tat euiie re a failure active.i can sae euiie re n0tt.but tings gettin late wen euiie re in.and i nber tryin to fall ferr euiie but euiie like t0 push t0 miie to other e end,i tink i dn need to fall ferr euiie too.i may nott fall ferr euiie as i hab sae bferr.i may not and euiie may tink iish damn fcukin hard and can be impossible.c0s euiie see e wae i like other ppl and will fall ferr other ppl.but euiie tink wadd euiie said and done?
ya don eben tink tat euiie re rong and still tink tat euiie re correct.mayb euiie hab yanjing iish enough ferr n0w den betta go ferr her and ferget abt miie.and let miie go and we will not as cl0se as last time.i seld0m quarrel and don eben wana quarrel cos i dnwan aniitin to happen and make our relationship worse.but since,euiie dnwan it and dnwan to be cl0se den tats it kiies.
iish enough to miie too.iim sick and iish makin more fcukin sick and tired of see lots of tings tat i shldnt hab see it.
it makes miie understd wadd e fcuk euiie re tinkin and doin and make miie realise euiie re changin and goin to fall ferr other gal.den jus go i sae iif get hurt i wont eben bother to console euiie.stop makin ur past and e same old history.tat time iish sherlynn n0w i dno who euiie still wana be and makin it sad.but i blieve euiie will be damn happi to leave cos euiie can leave miie as iim e one who makin euiie damn hurt and sad and confuse which dno wadd to do and tink.cos bein wiit miie iish mature but no childish.but euiie re too childish sho euiie hab to go wiit other ppl but nott miie..
let it be kiies..
iim tired..
jus got back home frm bishan..
berii tired..
bought med and ltr goin to eat and rest.
bferr i leave tings wana be happen lidat den let it be
i will let it be iif euiie wan it to be.
i wanted to leave wiit a happi mood
tiish iish wadd euiie wan it too.
but tiish iish euiie wan it back and makin mood bad.
i will leave a bad mood.i come back i blieve tings g0nna be changin again
it will change it worst and it will be wordless kiies.
iim jus feelin down and sad.quarrel wiit a person which i reali dn wish but it wan e matter to settle den i will settle it to be.
euiie and miie damn fcukin stubborn.owaes tink each other re ryte.ya i owaes tink tat iim ryte.but sometings wen iim rong i noe it clearr and i will apologise abt tat.but iif euiie re goin to put other tings tgt and tok abt it den euiie re rong cos i will quarrel wiit euiie.i will not let euiie win iif euiie tink euiie will.bein unreasonable i oso dn need to tok to muchhies to euiie.
jus a waste of time kiies..
will buy tings i promise wad i goin to buy tings to euiie guys i will.
wadd i hab sae and done and promise i will do it..
but iif i cant do it den see lo.
g0nna return two present to e sh0o called chicken little.hahas =Pp
happi bel0ved x'mas to everyone out dere in advanced and i wish everyone out dere enj0y tat dae.h0pe ur wish c0me true..
miss euiie guys.
suddenly miss moii 2korkor,ice,cyan and zombie..
but n0tt in l0ve crazy wiit em..hahas..
ferget to wish cyan happi beloved bdae to euiie..muacks
hope korkor at oberseas enjoy hiimself
hope another korkor study harder ferr his studies.and hope his mum will be fine.
hope ice de neck will be fine and sick will be recober asap
zombie g0nna take cariies urself wen iim not in singapore..
gonna miss euiie guys..
kaijie,ya oso sick take cariies urself bahhs..
nth muchhies to sae too.hope wen iim back everyone of euiie tat i tok abt here iish fine..
l0ve frm fion~
10:24 AM
m0rnin..g0in aftern0on so0n.
cant take it..
ltr g0in t0 see d0ct0r le..
e flu sh0o damn sufferin..
still can t0k but e v0ice change..
aniiwae,c0okin ball t0 pray e g0d..
ferrget h0w t0 spell but every0ne shld n0e..
ltr g0in amk centre again!!!
tiish few daes g0 centre t0 help daddy d0 tiish and tat.
berii tired..wana slp lo.but mummi called miie help her cook.
reali damn tired..
yest,1030 see e result..hahas =))
chengxi in..suddenly sh0o admire hiiM..
of c0s w0nt in l0ve wiit hiiM sh0o damn crazy.
s0riiwee,yest nber reply ice.c0s i asleep le..
btw,kaijie n0tt i wana treat euiie c0ld.i reali damn fcukin tired and g0in t0 slp.
ya dn need do aniitin bahhs..c0s i dn0 t0o and i dn0 wadd t0 sae muchhies
who's pi gu da da?d0tts..i n0e euiie?dn rem i n0e a nick name pi gu da da..
btw,i hab blogg sho0 l0ng le.
wana change bl0gskin t0o.but haben find a bl0gskin which nice.
l0ve black t0o..hehes +))
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
11:07 AM
yest,wen t0 bishan park.
daddy call miie and sae n0b0dy at h0me.
i called back h0me sh0o many times but n0b0dy pick upp.
den i wen back h0me and find m0ii br0.wen i reach 1st fl0or den m0ii br0 came int0 e lift and l0ok at miie.frm he step inside e lift till we reach h0me t0k t0 hiiM will v0mit bl0od lo.
wen back t0 bishan park po0l.was quie fun bahhs.
we drink beer and sm0ke lo.
abit sick yest but t0dae abit w0rse.hahas +pp
gt flu n c0ugh.g0nna eat flu med.YUCKS.i scare ltr v0mit..
ard 4pM i wen t0 w0rk lo..siians.
i reach dere daddy face change.t0t he wana sc0ld miie.he sae wadd happen?y ur face sh0o damn white and green?i sae nth happen ar.d0tts i oso dn0 but i n0e i berii tired.
i reach dere wen ferr a nap but n0tt eben 1h0ur iim awake c0s m0ii br0 sh0o n0isy.
wen i wake upp den dey called miie d0 w0rk.w0rk till nyte den wen back h0me.
wen t0 ave 10 dere to eat ferr dinner.sh0o damn hungry c0s i nber eat wh0le dae.
waitin ferr s0meone t0 called miie..but he wen t0 catch e end nber called c0s i sae i wana slp le.
ltr g0in amk centre t0 help daddy t0 pay m0ney.
dn0 wadd t0 eat and d0nn feel like eatin.
thoat berii pain..
tmr n0tt g0in t0 mit aniione bahhs..
i dn reali feel like mitin aniione tmr and i dno whede tmr iim free n0tt..
tiish few daes damn fan* bahhs.dn feel like b0ther aniitin or eben g0 aniiwherr.
aniiwae,jus wana be al0ne ferr awhile.till i c0me back singap0re i will mit m0ii frwens tat i wana mit upp.muacks
i blieve wen iim back i will be damn happi and of c0s i dnwan c0me back see or eben heard aniitin bad news.btw,m0ii hP iish owaes on alth0ugh iim n0tt in singap0re.i still can receive euiie guys msg yeahhs.
tiish few daes damn fcukin tired..dn0 y..
t0dae nber g0 gym..hahas +X
c0me back den g0 again lo..Tuesday, December 20, 2005
10:48 AM
m0rnin everyone..
yest,nyte nber slp well..
4plus den slp.sudden st0mach damn pain
wake upp thoat damn pain
feel like i g0in t0 sick s0on
i slp sh0o late c0s i was tinkin tings and i reali berii tired.
feel sh0o damn sad and d0wn.disapp0inted and w0rdless.
yest,nyte feel like cryin but nber..
kind of misunderstdin happen again.wad e piece of shit.
tings will nber change.c0s b0th of us cant eben d0 it.
wiit a angel or witout a angel iish fine.
iim n0tt ur angel but jus a devil.sh0o i rather do devil den t0 be a angel.
i n0e wadd happen but i w0nt eben b0ther to care.
wadd dey g0in t0 sae iish their pr0 kiies.
iim jus w0rdless..
fiona will owaes rem wadd euiie hab said.
s0riiwee i will jus get off ur mind n brain and n0 l0nger iish urs kiies.
c0s i heard smth which i tink i shldnt hab heard and kind of kinda sc0lded by em c0s of euiie.
midnyte damn dn0 wadd e hell i d0in.i was walkin ard m0ii wh0le hse and standin at e wind0w dere l0okin outside and keep eatin ice cube.
wake upp at 10plus.m0ii head berii pain jus n0w.st0mach pain t0o.
pig.i g0nna change ur name t0 zombie.
i need euiie.hehes +))
euiie re impt to miie lo.cant l0se euiie
d0n bare t0 l0se euiie.aniiwae,thanks yest.
i jus l0ve e wae euiie re.rawks.
aniiwae,i will try and be happi.
c0s i n0e iif i sad euiie will sad.
thanks..miss euiie.muacks
xiiao wu gui,e pig cute wadd..
euiie dn0 onii lo.
ltr i wan a pig frm euiie.
hahas +pp
aniiwae,wadd happen is oso lidat.
i will st0p tings m0iiself and kind of damn tired.
i miss euiie t0o.
e wae euiie re yeahhs..Monday, December 19, 2005
4:46 PM
tiish few daes damn tired.
oso n0tt sick but dn0 y am i sh0o damn tired
yest g0in t0 tw0 den slp.
t0dae 11plus den wake upp and still feel sh0o tired
wen out tgt wiit mummi n daddy.
sickerin br0 makin wh0le family dislike hiiM.
daddy angry wiit hiiM and d0nn eben b0ther whede he wana eat an0tt
after tat wen back h0me pack m0ii tings and wen out.
wen t0 bishan and take back m0ii b0ok frm mel0dy and wen t0 tpy wiit w0ng.
came back h0me and d0 some sandwich t0 eat,was quite full t0o.
later g0in w0rk..
sh0o cant g0 out and mit upp m0ii frwens.
wen out wiit a pigg..
e pigg berii ke aii and funni
it makes miie feel like laughin.
wen i l0ok at herr and she blurr blurr de.
+x ltr e pers0n c0me and find and kill miie.hahas
but yest wen out wiit a pigg still n0t bad.
n0tt reali b0red and hab j0kes arhhs
t0dae actually wanted t0 g0 gym but nber.
tmr g0in bahhs.
shld be,i tink,i guess.
hahas berii wu liao
g0in off s0on.wana die le..
will be back wen e dae c0mes.
e dae will be e dae i back and get tings frm s0meone which i dn0
and g0nna re0pen sch s0on.
jus receive a called frm dad ltr g0in eat steamboat again
hahas =Pp i tiish few daes l0ve t0 eat tiish kind of ting.
and like t0 eat pasta t0o.dn0 y..jus l0ve it.Sunday, December 18, 2005
9:38 PM
wen out wiit a pigg t0dae
reali a herr 1pM.last min sae mitt 2pM
tiMe she give still can late lo. hehes +Pp
wen t0 w0odland.
walk and sh0p few sh0ps bferr she c0me.
wen t0 b0ught c0mic and read.standin dere quite l0ng lo.
wen she called and msg miie sae she's on herr wae den i wen t0 mini to0ns sh0p awhile
i was stnadin opp c0mic c0nnecti0n and l0ok her reacti0n and l0okin
n0t bad and ke aii.berii funni.hahas +))
den we wen t0 yishan eat ice cream and was walk r0unds and i l0ve a pig.
wen t0 suntec t0 sh0p.i spent 30plus t0dae.
daddy gimmi 30 and i use upp all!
jus came back h0me n0tt l0ng and rest.
tink she reach h0me le bahhs.
frm we mit upp 2plus till 8plus den g0 h0me.
wen t0 eat mac fer dinner.i eat fries onii and drinl lemon lime juice.
e pig damn ke lian.see le oso xin ache.
haiis..d0nn reali n0e wadd she tinkin but wadd i hab t0 sae oreadii sae le.
h0pe she's awake and th0se w0rds i hab sae c0uld help herr out.
tmr g0in out again.
happi x'mas in advanced t0 everyone out dere..
take cariies..
miss euiie guys..muacks10:51 AM
yest wen t0wn.
reach dere ard 5plus and sh0p abit.
den wen t0 sushi tei eat till 9plus den wen d0wn stair watch sh0w.
sittin d0wn at e stairs playin games.
mummi saw one guy.den she sae iish superstar de.
actually iish n0tt.
he's william frm starid0l.
dere was onii one gal dere.guess who?alice e onii gal.
den saw chengxi and still g0tt tw0 other guy.
i called out chengxi name and he turn back and smiLe.
shuaii and ke aii..
hahas +)) smiLe back t0o!
yest reali berii happi c0s we hab l0tts of j0kes t0o
ltr g0in w0dland sh0pp..
nber mit upp li0 k0rk0r t0 help hiiM celebrate
c0s he wen out wiit his mummi.
den cant mit miie..sh0o nber mind lo.
i will n0tt be at h0me wh0le dae till nyte den reach h0me.
aniitin jus msg miie yeahhs..Saturday, December 17, 2005
3:01 PM
berii tired siia..
dn0 wadds g0in?!
wake upp ard 11plus!
st0mach pain abit but after tat n0tt pain le.
i was waken upp c0s quite c0ld and m0ii br0 sae dey g0in amk central
sh0o i wake tgt wiit em t0o.
eat quite full.i saw miss le0ng!she sh0o skinny.
wen i saw herr h0w i wish i can be skinny t0o but n0tt t0o skinny like herr
ltr g0in out s0on.g0in out wiit family,g0 t0wn and find sushi again
g0nna get fat again!m0ii leg quite pain t0o.
siians..wana bath le.
tmr iish li0 k0rk0r bdae!
happi bel0ved bdae t0 euiie.
h0pe euiie enj0y and take cariies urself.
miss ya t0o.Thursday, December 15, 2005
10:01 AM
yest,after w0rk c0me back
wen t0 m0ii r0om rest.
ard 7plus wake upp.
play c0m and wana watch tv.m0ii br0 dn let miie watch.
gettin freak upp.he n0e h0w t0 put w0rds int0 miie but n0tt hiiM
everytime n0e h0w t0 sae ppl but nber eben sae hiimself ones.
fcuk..damn angry
den cant use c0m and cant watch tv.
till 9pm den watch tv!after quarrel and fightin finish he stil come anad disturb miie.
dno wad iish st0p!
m0ii hse n0 gas!
daddy dn0 h0w t0 change!miie t0o
mus wait ferr mummi t0 wake upp and change den i can c0ok.
f0od oreadii prepare le!but haiis..
mummi still slpin like a pigg..
later g0in c0usin return tings den g0 till 5plus den c0me back h0me
cant mit th0se ppl out dere..Wednesday, December 14, 2005
12:15 PM
yest,wen t0 bugis!we reach dere ard 7plus and we eat frm 7plus till 9plus.
we eat quite l0ng and we eat al0tts t0o
g0tt l0tts of f0od at dere..enj0y eatin but berii sad of gettin fat
wen t0 bath and d0 abit excerise den wen t0 slp
heard midnyte rainin!berii tired and slpin like a pigg
hahas..jus n0w play ddr.
m0ii leg was berii pain but n0w n0tt reali pain
yest walk oso hab pr0 abt tat.
hahas +Pp
jus n0w slap m0ii br0..
haiis +((
m0ii heart pain t0o
t0dae nber g0 gym..
we rest..den at h0me rest and play..
later g0in w0rk..Tuesday, December 13, 2005
6:30 PM
ohh m0ii g0dd..
m0ii leg pai arhhs.
cant take it!walk oso pain but aniiwae i enj0y it t0dae bahhs
wen t0 gym ferr 3h0urs den wen ferr swimmin ferr 1h0urs plus den wen t0 w0rk.
actually,t0dae wanted t0 go mit mel0dy.she oso berii lazy de lo.ask her come gym she dnwan!waolao!i oso dno wen i can mit lo.
jus came back h0me but g0in out so0n!
g0in bugis dere t0 eat steamb0at.t0dae still d0 l0tts of excerise.
later eat le den fat again..haiis +((
can i l0se 2kg?in tiish week?w0nder and tinkin lo..
but iish hard and diff..
berii h0t and tired..
gtg..buaiis~Monday, December 12, 2005
12:44 PM
m0ii st0mach pain arhhs..
yest,wen out wiit family and wiit xiao gugu de family
we wen t0 chinat0wn!we wen t0 pe0ple's park and sh0p!
i saw e pink c0l0ur spect!everytime wen dere onii can see but cant buy it
haiis~ i h0pe i can get it one dae
n0w iim happi each dae.suddenly like t0 g0 out wiit family!
c0s daddy g0tt car den i oso berii lazy.dn reali feel like g0in out wen dnhab car.
hahas +Pp
todae wanted to go swimmin but in e end nber go cos stomach pain
d0nn feel like g0in suddenly!
sh0o at h0me play ddr.berii fun and enj0y and can make miie diet t0o.
reali berii fat..shit it!
hehes nber miss it lerhhs.
w0ng,st0p wadd euiie re d0in
wadd i tryin t0 sae was st0p typin tings at kel b0ard
i n0e euiie re freakin upp and berii c0nfuse
i n0e euiie wana d0 smth tat can make ppl happi
and e matter oreadii rest wadd.wadd fer t0k abt it?we oreadii st0p e matter but euiie n0w bring out e matter and t0k abt it again.euiie shld n0e wadds ryte and r0ng.n0tt e first time sae and iish e last time i sae and i dnwan t0k abt it aniim0re.
wadd i sae i will d0 it.
iim here to type smth which i h0pe everyone out dere like it and iish meaninful and iish true t0o.h0pe it can help ppl out dere t0o.h0pe everyone like it and will tink abt it which dey re d0wnn.
*try to keep a POSTIIVE ATTITUDE by lookin for the blessing tat happen everydae yet often go unnoticed.
*j0y.. in everydae, in every memory and in ur h0pes for e FUTURE.
*there can be no pr0gress if pe0ple hab NO FAITH in tmr .
*be NO AFRAID of goin sl0wly, be AFRAID onii of standin still.
*bfer euiie sae " cant"make sure euiie've oreadii TIRED.
*idleness is onii e refuge of weak MINDS .
*a p0sitive attitude is essential for SUCCESS.
*refuse to let ur troubles multiply,jus take em ONE BY ONE.
*realize tat life isnt owaes fair,ACCEPT wad euiie mus and chnage wad euiie can.
i blieve fate but it can be change iif euiie wan it to be.create ur own miracles urself iif euiie can.i h0pe everyone out dere iish owaes happi like miie.l0ve urself m0re den aniione out dere.
stay happi owaes...Sunday, December 11, 2005
3:05 PM
berii tired..
yest,midnyte 2plus den slp!
c0s watch tv!siians~
yest,nyte wen out wiit family!
wen t0 yishun and miss yap was dere.
n0rthp0int g0tt l0tts of tings i l0ve!
i l0ve dere e billab0ng skirt,bag and shirt and dere g0tt spect i l0ve it t0o
hab m0ney g0nna b0ught it!g0nna study hard next yearr t0o.
haiis +`( s0bb
wake upp at 12plus!
wen t0 amk ave4 eat and saw one gal..which iish our sch de next yearr sec2
she reborn her hair,n0tt bad but her attitude abit bad?hahas +X
dn b0ther t0o.
kel and w0ng!i dno wadd b0th of euiie online and chat
i d0nn need i hab to n0e it t0o
and w0ng..respect everyone of us can
euiie dn eben respect urself too..
how euiie g0nna make ppl t0 respect euiie?
u make ppl angry?euiie shld n0e bahhs?
y iim angry wiit euiie c0s euiie dn eben resepct miie n e relati0nshiP
and euiie dn eben respect urself at all!
euiie wana go find other gal den g0 ahead!i w0nt stay euiie.
i n0e everytime i call ppl dn depend on miie and i n0e i depend euiie al0tt
aniiwae,i g0nna change m0iiself t0o..
iif euiie reali wana bcm lidat den g0 ahead!go ur wae and i g0 m0ii wae!
our relati0nshiP will jus onii be frwen and onii study and help each other and g0 out
n0 m0re cl0se tgt and d0nn eber t0uch miie aniim0re!
g0 find a gal which euiie reali tink tat she can give euiie happiness and can make euiie happi
aniitin happen pls dn find miie or eben tink tat i will c0ns0le euiie!
c0s 3yearrs oreadii!i oreadii hab sae i wadd i hab t0o.euiie shld n0e t0o
n0 m0re and iish oreadii useless t0 repeat aniim0re!of c0s g0tt stead oreadii pls mature and n0e wadd euiie re d0in bahhs..
btw,since euiie g0in t0 find ur gal den i w0nt wear e ring wen i wiit euiie.
include iif i reali hab stead neither will i wear iif iim wiit m0ii stead
i will onii wear it iif i reali wan t0 wear!e ring iish nice.i like it but wad u hab told e person to write inside e ring.mayb iish rush but i noe euiie l0ve miie l0tts.
will i be dere ferr euiie can euiie be dere ferr miie iish owaes depends!tiish few daes,i dno wadds goin on wiit euiie!i dno wadd hab euiie and kel tokin abt yest!but i noe he damn angry wiit euiie!mayb iish cos of miie again and euiie bcm lidat!i reali make euiie sh0o damn sufferin den STOP lovin miie iish a good ting!
btw,iif euiie reali hab stead pls dn be lidat h0rrs.c0s n0b0dy can take it..
i will change moiiself!of c0s i h0pe it w0nt be w0rst t0 d0 tat!
i will g0 m0ii wae and life c0ntinue m0ii daes m0iiself!
i wana change and make moiiself berii happi everydae n0 matter wadd happen
i wana change and make moiiself active!
btw,i will mit wong and melody both of euiie at j8 2Pm!
rem melody to bring moii books!iif not i go up and find euiie!
wadd books i lend euiie,euiie shld n0e and return miie wen e dae comes,means e dae we mit up.
i mayb,changein till euiie guys dn0!but n0 matter wad euiie still hab t0 accpect it!
iif euiie cant and dnwan nber mind.i w0nt force euiie and euiie may jus leave iif euiie wan.
i,livin tiish w0rld iish c0s of m0iiself but n0tt e others!unless i hab stead i will live c0s of hiiM.unless i reali l0ve hiiM!
respect urself and e others.iif euiie dn eben repsect ppl n0b0dy will respect euiie.
iim s0riiwee kels0n.mayb iish all c0s of miie.but h0pe sally can oso relax and d0n b0ther it aniim0re.since,iish b0th of us pr0 den let settle ourselves!and i tink we g0tt n0thin much t0 settle since euiie hab stead and iim g0in m0ii wae t0o!
frwens,whede can we still d0?depends urself.i w0nt f0rce euiie.c0s i oreadii sae i d0nn wana t0 leave euiie as a frwen.i need euiie as a frwen t0 make miie m0re happi..hehes +)0
i l0ve j0el techn0 s0ng.
it makes miie high and happi
hahas +Pp
of c0s i nber eat drugs lo
and i nber tink of sm0kin t0o
but g0tt feel like drinkin!
but cant drink at h0me c0s mummi was in.
wana drink wine.i hab one at h0me!hab time al0ne den drink bahhs
i MISS e wine we use t0 get it frm e sh0P.e wine nice w0rhhs..Saturday, December 10, 2005
9:27 AM
hehes +))
hehes..early in e mornin..
wen out and came back h0me jus n0tt l0ng!
wake upp early and wen t0 amk park fer joggin
den came back and bath..
see smth tats tinkin whede issit correct an0t
aniiwae,thanks hiiM den i awake!hahas..
den kel mus thank g0d tat i hab st0p b0therin hiiM..
and sally mus relax and be wiit kel l0ng
yest,wen out wiit family go yishun to find miss yap!
but she's not in sh0o we will go yishun again by tiish tw0 weeks!
den wen t0 yishun dere e c0ffee sh0p eat!was watchin tv.c0s wen we reach dere iish oreadii 9plus and sittin dere watch wu chu cai h0ng!y0y0 cry i oso cry!hahas +Pp
jianyi n y0y0 m0re pai* tats h0w i feel..
after watchin finish den wen t0 behind de c0ffee sh0p!mit upp daddy and uncle guan was dere..
iL0veHIIM,he rawks e wae of m0ii life
he saw miie and he sae he still l0ve miie m0re.see his face,see m0re l0ok alike an0ther uncle!
aniiwae,dey re relatives too..
uncle t0ld miie l0tts of tings..make miie feel t0 give upp on relati0nshiP
aniiwae,i dnhab anii c0nfidence in relati0nshiP too..
kaijie,find a gal which can make euiie happi and can go out wiit euiie l0ng.which can oso hang ar0und wiit ur frwens tgt wiit euiie and go happi!c0s as euiie n0e i cant stay out l0ng,i w0nt eben g0 get near ur frwens or eben hang ar0und wiit ur frwens!
aniiwae,i oso dn reali need m0re frwens aniim0re!c0s i oso seld0m go out and hang ard outside!c0s i n0e i hab t0 leave euiie!i cant be a g0od gal as euiie t0t!c0s i hab a strong feelin tat we w0nt last l0ng!
y i wan kel and i dn bare to leave hiiM c0s he reali cute..cute as in his reacti0n!but n0w,he g0t stead.i tink i cant do tat.his stead will jeal0us!hehes +))
but i still h0pe t0 chat wiit hiiM.c0s he make miie feel happi.
btw,wadd kel hab pr0mise miie he nber d0ne!s0 wadd rayven sae den jus ferget it le!st0p quarrelin c0s iish useless!stead help stead iish tian jin di yi de shi!frwen help frwen is oso lidat!aniiwae,i oso dnwan quarrel or eben t0k muchhies!as l0ng as i n0e wadd iim d0in!as l0ng as wad i hab to give upp i will!
i realise habin a frwen and stead iish alike!stead re special c0s dey will hab secure,hold hand and kiss which iish e onii different!
frwens can be dere but not owaes,smtimes stead oso wont be dere ferr euiie muchhies too!iish either work or study.dey can cons0le and g0 out wiit euiie!
ppl l0ve miie as i sae iish ur pr0!i fall ferr ppl iish m0ii pr0!hurt owaes hab!iish depends whede do euiie dare t0 take it an0t!everyone hab e ryte to take it or eben reject it.g0 ur own decisi0n iif euiie tink euiie re c0rrect!since,wad i hab sae i w0nt take it back!i n0e wadd iim d0in.
btw,i g0in t0 change m0iiself again..HOPE IT WONT BE WORST
stay happi!living iin tiish world iish owaes hurt,sad,pain and happi!ppl owaes sae y n0tt stay happi den t0 make urself suffer?suffer confirm hab it!but suffer cant stop euiie from stayin in tiish world and stop everytin tat euiie re doin!hab to continue ur distance!g0nna start a new daes and waes again!it will start n0w!
Friday, December 09, 2005
12:37 PM
wad mus i do and i sae
i reali dno wadd to do
moii mind iish totally blank..
sometimes it wen black out and nearly faint
moii wei oso nott feelin well at all..
am i tat sufferin?
am reali g0nna be lidat?
i jus dnwan to lose anione of euiie
iish tat rong wiit it!!!
iim soriiwee abt yest..i dno wadd shld i sae
or mayb i shldnt sae aniitin!
i shldnt hab reply euiie wen euiie msg miie
cos i don eben noe wadd am i ansin euiie at all..
iim jus blurr and i don eben understd wadd yest euiie hab sae to miie
e wae i ans euiie,mayb euiie re damn hurt but iim soriiwee cos euiie don get wad i mean neither do i get wadd euiie mean wen euiie msg miie..
cos after euiie sae i don bother abt it aniimore tiish sentence den i realise i hab ans euiie r0ngly!at tat time it wake miie upp and i realise euiie don udnerstd wad i saein and i don understd wad euiie re tokin abt..
but after ur sentence wake miie upp den i noe wadd re euiie tinkin and wan moii ans to be..
wong,euiie re not rong ferr wadd euiie hab done..
wen euiie love a person..
e person was hurt and sad..
and euiie noe who hab cos tiish pro
and euiie wish to help it out
but euiie dno wadd to do and rash it..
i understd..don need sae soriiwee
cos i noe euiie owaes been like tiish and wad i mean was,e wae euiie typin was like euiie re in a rush of time..not euiie re rash..
why wadd i hab sae and ppl re goin mistaken and understd wadd i hab sae..
i dno wadd to do kiies..
freak upp abt it and FCUK OF ALLThursday, December 08, 2005
8:59 PM
jus n0w wen t0 help out..
was w0rkin but c0uldnt d0ne well
i mess upp everyting and do rongly..
nber get sc0lded but call miie t0 xiao xin next time wen iim d0in again!
i dn0 wadd t0 do..
w0ng d0n rush and d0nn sc0ld or sae anitin..
i oso d0nn reali n0e wadds g0in on or happenin..
i cant do aniitin t0o..
iim tired!10:33 AM
yest,berii d0wnn
berii m0ody..
i dn0 wadd he wan!i dn0 wadd he wan..
c0s iif i n0e wadd he wan i n0e i will l0se hiiM!
he will sae iisnt it sh0o clearr wadd i hab sae!
sh0o wadd iif euiie sae and i d0nn wana accpect it?
c0s i dnwan jus c0s of one nyte and g0na everyting include l0sin euiie..
iish hard ferr miie to ferget wadd we hab at e few daes alth0ugh iish sh0rt but e mem0ry euiie gimmi was muchhies den i nber t0t bferr..
which gimmi hurt..but i dnwan t0 l0se euiie and iish euiie..
y d0 i explain sh0o muchhies t0 euiie and euiie d0nn eben b0ther abt it?
i hab give int0 euiie..iisnt it muchhies?euiie reali wana l0se miie tiish frwen?euiie dnwan miie as a frwen aniim0re?
it was a c0ol and tired nyte i hab!it was berii tired and i reali wana slp but it cant get int0 m0ii dream till 1plus wen t0 cl0se e wind0w!den wen int0 m0ii bed cant slp but m0ii eyes berii tired and cl0se it!alth0ugh it cl0se but m0ii mind cant cl0se upp aniitin!but i still fall asleep and tiish tw0 daes dream smth tats weird!wake upp 930!feel berii tired but i jus c0uldnt get back int0 m0ii dream sh0o wake upp and play c0m!tiish few daes oso habin headache and stomach pain!abit flu and cough!
kind of tired and dn0 wadd t0 do!see ppl and tat kind of fcukin face?!t0k witout tune,feel like anitime will die..
mayb iim e one who c0s everyone f0ll0w miie g0in r0und and c0nfuse..!
c0s iif i ans anitin r0ng i n0e i may l0se e pers0n..
but y i hab t0 l0se th0se which i dnwan t0 l0se it and iim jus hab t0 give upp which i dnwan it..
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
11:40 AM
yest,was a cold and lonely..
reali feel berii cold and dno wadds goin on
suddenly headache and feel like gonna faint aniitime..
but nber faint cos i reach home le
i help out quite alot yest!work till i berii tired..
wen home,mo0dy!wen to moii bed and fall asleep!
in e end,still wake upp by moii family..cos haben bath!
i stay at e toilet damn long!
den wen to read newspaper after moii bath..
read abit and dn eben understd sh0o stop wadd iim readin!
listen to mp3 and chat on e phone awhile
9pM wen to watch moii sh0w..
after e sh0w finish den chat on e phone again
wanted to slp..reali berii tired!but jus couldnt get into moii dreams!
till midnyte g0nna 1pm den slp!
mornin 10plus wake upp cos moii family berii noisy..
tiish few daes dno wadd happen..
stomach berii pain and ferr daes..
everydae onii eat onii meal and iish enough!
headache and reali berii blurr..!
feel like knockin e wall and faint and betta iish die..
jus wen to toilet and nearly faint inside e toilet..
but of c0s came out of e toilet oreadii..!
t0dae,nber go out..!
kel,st0p being like tiish!iish useless..
haiis +((
i n0e every reas0n tat euiie re doin tiish..
c0s iim e onii one who cam ans and guess all c0rrect..
euiie oso scare tat i will ans every qus of urs..!
aniiwae,iif euiie reali dno aniitin and need a ans..can come to miie
i will help euiie ans wadd euiie wan!iif i can..hahas +Pp
i jus dnwan to lose a frwen like euiie who can make miie happi..
tats all!issit sh0o hard ferr euiie to do tat?
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
9:46 AM
laugh out l0ud..
yest,chat wiit zakii
everytime sae g0tt remedial and he sae puru g0tt call miie and tell miie sae hab remedial..
i reali nber receive anii call of her's can..
den he sae i nber pick upp,i ask hiiM wen she call and he sae he dn0..
diiao +_='''
den he ask miie whede i n zhen stead..
hahas +))
i reali laugh sh0o funni..of c0s NO..
i ask hiiM who sae?he sae he ferget den i ask hiiM wen e pers0n t0ld hiiM?he sae he ferget and sae sh0o l0ng!
d0nn b0ther..
al0ne at h0me and feelin sh0o l0nely and c0ol..
i w0nt sad jus c0s of euiie,kel
wadd euiie sae iish fine and i accpect!c0s iish e fact and i can feel wadds g0in on
hehes +))
but euiie re e one who let miie feel happi can le..
i nber expect euiie reali t0 be mine..
later g0in w0rk i tink..
dey wen out and help m0ii br0 buy his sch b0oks.
dn0 wadd time c0me back..
berii siians~
cant g0 out and dn0 wherr t0 g0
oso berii tired and dn0
chat wiit k0rk0r
e wae he t0k was like n0t e same as last time lo
owaes hab a stead e pers0n will change..
but still l0ve hiiM..
i cant get e bung no. which was w0rkin at e h0sptial
was fine and nber mind..c0s grandma t0dae c0me out frm e h0sptial and will be at amk ave 9 dn0 d0 wad..?
iim d0wnn..
sh0o jus leave miie al0ne awhile~
but of c0s i will b fine sh0o d0nn w0rii
Monday, December 05, 2005
6:14 PM
habin fun t0dae..
saw a chio and ke aii gal..
she can be passive and bung lo..
w0ng admire herr abit arhhs..
b0th of em l0ok at us wen we re in e mrt..
after w0ng wen d0wnn e b0th of em l0ok at miie..
i wanted to smiLe t0 em.. but nber..
their faces lo0k sho0 fierce.take cab wen h0me c0s lazy t0 walk..
w0ng reali thanks..
i l0ve e bag..berii ke aii
i reali l0ve it l0tts..
he owaes care and b0ther abt herr..
owaes t0k abt herr..
and we nber eben mit out..
jus w0rdless and keep quiet..
jus wait and see..
12:35 PM
yest,wen t0 jucti0n 8
acc mummi t0 see her new yearr cl0thes but all n0tt suit herr
herr cl0thes iish damn difficult t0 find and fit herr
wen t0 bugis and wanted t0 find kel..
den i blurr..!
she t0ld miie e unit of e sh0p and i wen t0 find..
but i find r0ng sh0p c0s iish n0tt at e place i am..
he at e place wherr he w0rk was quite far lerhhs
i dn0 wherr issit..den i wen t0 e sh0p tat he gave miie e unit no.
dere oso g0tt a bung..e bung n0tt bad l0okin..but he's n0tt e one iim findin..
e bung sh0o..errms,like see hiiM bferr lerhhs.
kel,crazy siia..t0ld hiiM i saw bung den call miie g0 get no. iim n0tt tat flirt and n0tt wh0le singap0re de bung i oso wana n0e..
i ask daddy wherrs e place tat kel w0rkin..
tat time daddy fetch us g0 h0me and passby dere and he t0ld miie..
e truth and iish e fact..
e st0ry begins here~
a gal who's oso w0rkin at e place wherr kel w0rkin dere
who was small and dn0 who's her reali br0 n sis..
wen she was small she hab a new mummi n daddy
she dn eben n0e who's her reali daddy and mummi
but n0w,tink she's livin fine..
she w0rk at dere and i tink e sh0p iish her's bahhs
she's e gal,iish a w0man n0w iish m0ii 2nd aunt..
i cant eben cal herr aunt c0s she's n0tt mine aunt after she left our family..
fine tat iish sh0o sad..
every of em re tgt expect herr..!
she's e onii one who re n0tt here and enj0y new yearr and etc wiit us..
an0ther uncle was in malaysia!oso left our family but at least we re tgt..
daddy told miie actually a rich family wan daddy c0s daddy last time cute but grandpa d0nn all0w..
haiis~Sunday, December 04, 2005
11:52 AM
reali damn siians..
wen t0 grandma yest
t0tally siians till i g0tt n0thin sae
den wen t0 7-11 buy tings
came out l0tts of new ppl!
i was buyin coffee n mash p0tat0!
den a bung was standin beside miie sh0o i l0ok at hiiM
he sh0rt den miie but iish cute!
den tinkin whede wana get no. frm hiiM t0 make frwen!
after tat i wen t0 b0ught sweet n newspaper!
i wen dere 3times and i nber get hiis no. sh0o pidd ryte!
e last time i step in.he ask miie wadd i wan!i sae i wan a plastic bag!
i w0nderin iif i sae i wan ur no. wadd will happen!sh0o funni
kel call miie g0 get it e no. frm hiiM..he sae he dare!of c0s lo.
he iish a bung and iim a passive..!passive get bung no.?diia0 +_+'''
wen t0 eat ard 8plus..ard 9plus reach h0me!
den wen t0 bath,after bathin out den chat wiit kel till 12plus..
iish e first time i chat wiit a pers0n sh0o late at nyte!
i l0ve ur reacti0n and iish sh0o damn ke aii and funni till i dn0 wadd t0 sae
in e end,i hang upp c0s daddy n0e +Pp s0riiwee and euiie oso hab t0 slp early!
t0dae euiie start w0rkin den mus take cariies kiies
kaijie,i n0e euiie sick
but dnhab time t0 mit upp euiie..
actually todae wana mit upp euiie but euiie w0rkin t0o..
oso sick..sh0o euiie mus tc urself kiies..!
euiie hab time mit upp miie and see h0w lo!
g0tt m0ii extendti0n daes..
i will give euiie ans on tat dae..
wen e dae c0mes!
w0ng c0me back t0o..
sh0o h0ws ur caMp?
h0pe euiie enj0y and hab fun..
wen euiie wen h0ngk0ng tings oreadii happen
wen u re back oso hab tings g0in on
c0ntinue euiie wen ferr ur caMp at tat dae ting happen..
wen euiie c0me back yest..
tings gettin betta le..haiis +((
t0dae wanted t0 g0 h0sptial..
but daddy sae dn need g0.he g0 can le
den tinkin whede wana g0 an0t lo
mummi sae she wana go out and sh0ppin!
she wana g0 juncti0n 8 and see cl0thes..
kel,n0tt g0in dere t0 see euiie..
unless mummi g0 bugis..hahas =Pp
i dn0..wait and see lo..
g0tt see miie den hab nber means i nber g0..
t0dae,oso berii siians..
iif i reali g0 h0sptial jus wana get e bung no. make frwens..
onii lidat..den iif i reali get le i will be damn b0red at dere al0ne
but iif i wen sh0ppin wiit mummi den will hab t0 sh0p wiit herr and cant get e bung no. t0 make frwens lo..
tue,shld be can mit upp euiie liing..
c0ntact miie again and tell miie w0rrhs..
w0ng hab time mit upp miie iif euiie wan l0rrhs..
d0nn aniih0w tink..i mean euiie tag m0ii b0ard..
i tink i understd wadd euiie t0kin..
st0p aniih0w tink can..i n0e wadd euiie tinkin le..
aniiwae,call miie iif euiie re back..
d0nn leave miie al0ne..i will be d0wnn..
kind of siians and dn0 wadd t0 d0..Saturday, December 03, 2005
11:23 AM
i understd le..
euiie explain om0st every wherr..
aniiwae,iif euiie nber explain i reali angry and d0nn b0ther euiie le
i did angry and waitin ferr euiie t0 call or msg miie
aniiwae,iish ober kiies..
n0 m0re s0riiwee le h0rrs!!!
aniiwae,i h0pe t0 mit euiie upp asap..
hehes +))
siians..i can onii mit euiie upp on sun and d0nn euiie sae euiie cant or etc..
iif n0tt i reali cant mit euiie upp le l0rrhs
c0s i g0t t0 stay at h0me and rest and tink and m0ii daes n0tt muchhies
iish c0min and iish nearr and left 3daes..
k0rk0r *help* *help*
n0b0dy can help miie!
k0rk0r give miie advice but cant c0s i m0iiself oso dn0 and cant make it!
k0rk0r yest sh0o funni..h0pe wadd euiie sae and h0pefully it can..
iif cant i oso cant d0 aniitin or eben b0ther abt it!
yest,nber watch e 7 and 9PM sh0w..
sh0o angry t0o!include m0ii br0..fcuk
den nber eat well yest nyte..c0s nth nice t0 eat..
all oso eat and feel like shit!but iish still full..
t0dae nber g0 out!
mummi at h0me t0o!
br0 wen out play..
onii miie al0ne and n0thin t0 d0!
g0nna d0 chinese w0rkb0ok and read c0mic!
nyte tink g0in h0sptial and see grandma bahhs
st0mach pain!fcuk..
yest headache!
daddy yest was sm0kin and waitin ferr car park!
den he call m0ii br0 help hiiM take his cig..
sh0o m0ii br0 pass t0 miie!wanted t0 take lerhhs but cant c0s 3 of em was lo0kin at miie!
den give hiiM back his cig and m0ii hand g0tt e smell!
e smell sh0o weird de l0rhhs..dn0 y t0oFriday, December 02, 2005
5:53 PM
i call ur hse
but ur dn0 wh0 sae euiie re n0tt at h0me
msg euiie nber reply
*w0rii can*
and euiie nber eben b0ther t0 call or eben msg miie
big devil here and dere
haiis..ferget it le l0rrhs
i was waitin ferr euiie t0 reply miie and mit upp miie
in e end, euiie nber eben wana mit miie bahhs!
iif euiie reali wana mit miie upp will c0ntact miie!!
jus n0w mit upp ting n v0on
sh0o daMn siians!
den bferr ting reach v0on reach le!
chat wiit herr and g0tt l0tts of guys dere and one guy pull e chair..
den v0on sc0ld..!dey sh0o funni and fierce!
den left m0ii br0 at aracde..!
daMn siians and tired..
d0wnn bahhs!
nber sm0ke can!i see dem sm0ke onii l0rrhs!
den dey sae wana g0 funland den i sae i g0in off le!
daddy n mummi came h0me!
dey sae g0in h0sptial and see m0ii grandma
m0re siians till i g0tt n0thin to sae!
11:36 AM
yest,cant g0 d0wnn central c0s i was w0rkin!
and thanks v0on and ting help miie settle le..
aniiwae,g0tt wadd i wan..
n0tt reali happi and d0nn reali d0wnn..
dey deserve t0 hab it to0..
aniiwae,pr0 haben settle den iish ober le!
at least she g0tt d0uble of wadd she hab d0ne!
yest,msg miie and sae s0riiwee again
n0tt g0nna t0uch herr t0o!
but she call miie teach herr maths!dn0 wadd puru t0ld herr and sae m0ii maths g0od!
blurr and diiao +_='''
dn0 whede g0tt g0 out n0tt lerhhs!
ying jie later c0ming m0ii hse at 12pm t0 pass miie ting
den e pigg kels0n haben wake upp..
w0ng wen t0 caMp tmr den c0me back w0rhhs..
on e 6th hab t0 give ans!
i die die liia0!
n0b0dy can help miie!
shit shit shit..
haiis +((
i reali dn0
wadd shld i ans hiiM?
die till hell arhhs
iif i nber ans hiiM den g0ne..
dnwan ans cann0t..
Thursday, December 01, 2005
11:16 AM
welc0me euiie back!
thanks ferr wadd euiie b0ught ferr miie
l0ve it..!
e c0uple ring outside nice inside n0tt nice!
hahas,as wadd euiie sae dey nber put it dark!
thanks ferr l0vin miie sh0o muchhies!
but euiie shld n0e wadd i hab sae bferr!
i n0e i eberi time make euiie disapp0inted!
deres n0 ch0ice t0o..
aniiwae,g0 ur caMp mus take cariies urself!
e bubble gam berii nice!
hab time den mit it upp bahhs!
yest,nyte 9Pm sh0w sh0o damn funni and ke aii!
e guy sh0o shuai and e gal sh0o chi0!
b0th of em reali l0ok like c0uple!
laugh until i dr0p m0ii tearrs!
e sh0w berii nice!e wae dey dance t0o!
g0tt one guy owaes call g0dma oso berii ke aii..!
euiie msg miie sh0o late i oso g0in m0ii bed and slp le!
hahas +Pp
sh0o s0riiwee..!
aniiwae,t0dae g0 out jus enj0y and rem t0 eat bahhs
sh0o tired and wana slp!
later g0in w0rk!
oso dn0 whede tmr can g0 out n0tt!